This year is going to be amazing. I am so excited for how the year has panned out. Yes we did have a pandemic and pandemic did have me a bit scared. I may even be a little more at risk for catching it due to my ostomy, but I am still excited for what is to come. I have never been one to let a fun opportunity get me down no matter what was going on.
This year we got stimulus checks in the mail and decided to take that money and put it right back into our economy. This year I am taking my family to Hawaii. So traveling with a stoma can sometimes be a little more work than I would like but I plan on taking my ostomy care seriously and making sure all is going to be well.
The first thing that I am working on is having enough supplies to get me through my trip without having to go around and shop in a new state. The last thing I want is to try a new product or go shopping for an ostomy bag on vacation. That is why it is important to plan for the worst in order to avoid this type of situation.
First thing to do is to pack double what you need. WHAT? That may sound like a bit too much, but what happens if your luggage does not arrive with your or arrive at all. I like to make sure my carry on has enough ostomy care gear to get me through the week of vacation if I need it. It is really better to be safe than sorry. So planning ahead can really save you and I suggest separating out your gear in two parts and packing it in your carry on and luggage. That is my goal and it will likely keep me from having to shop in Hawaii if something gets lost. I mean would you rather be on a beach or at a pharmacy in paradise?
The next thing is to make sure you have the right and comfortable gear for the water. I like to bring stoma caps for the water because I have been working on my body and I want people to focus on me and not my stoma. It is an easy way to protect my stoma and enjoy the water. But that is a personal choice.