Colostomy Care

It takes time to adapt to changes after a colostomy. Many people have been able to live the way they wanted after colostomy surgery. It means that a colostomy doesn’t stop you from having your favorite foods, exercising, becoming social, and being intimate with your spouse.

In this article, we will discuss some tips to help you lead an active and healthy life after colostomy surgery.

Get support

You might have to cope with a significant emotional impact during the first few days after colostomy surgery. Your nurse will teach you about ostomy management and help you get back to an active and healthy lifestyle. You may also want to discuss your problems with someone who listens. That’s where support groups come in. you can join an ostomy support group to share your concerns and listen to others. It will help you find stress relief in quite an effective manner.

Give yourself some time

Recovering and adapting to changes resulting from colostomy surgery takes time. The typical recovery duration after this surgery is six weeks. During this time, you will have a lot of concerns about your colostomy and its impact on your life. You can get rid of these concerns by having open discussions with your family members and friends. Your ostomy care nurse or doctor will also help you during this time.

Adapt to new bowel habits

The stool you pass out through your colostomy will be different from that passed out through the rectum. There may be a lot of gas passing out through the stoma, and there might be multiple bowel movements throughout the day. You may also be vulnerable to constipation or diarrhea, at least until your bowel recovers after surgery. Learning to predict these new bowel habits will help you manage them quite effectively.

Adjust your diet

Right after surgery, there will be a drastic change in your diet. You will need to have small and low-fiber meals during a day, at least for the first couple of weeks after surgery. You can increase the amount and types of foods over time as your bowel recovers. The transition to your pre-surgery diet will be a slow process, but you will get there eventually.

Find the right ostomy system

You will get supplies for a few days after surgery from your hospital before leaving for home. You may, however, switch to the most appropriate type of ostomy supplies. For this purpose, you will first need to analyze what kind of ostomy system works best for you. You can discuss it with your ostomy care nurse.

The wardrobe change

Having a colostomy doesn’t mean that you cannot dress stylishly. The modern-day ostomy supplies are discreet enough to remain unnoticeable, even if you choose to wear form-fitting clothes. You may, however, need to make a few little adjustments in this regard. For instance, wearing a higher or lower waistband might become necessary to prevent any external pressure on the ostomy bag.

Return to your favorite fitness training regimen

You can return to your physical routine a few weeks after surgery. Whether you want to hit the gym, go swimming, or ski in the mountains, your ostomy will not be a hindrance for sure. You will, however, need to discuss with your doctor before considering returning to any of these activities.

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